
Cargo Services

Cargo services from SEAGULL give you access to the latest technology, the most efficient tracking services and the peace of mind solutions that only the fastest growing international freight forwarding company in Greece can offer. Whether you need to transport small packages or oversized cargo or need a partner for DGR handling, we can help you. Our cargo services include the following:

• Handling offices and services in main airports around the world;

• Pick up, warehousing and road transport;

• Customs clearance in and out of countries.

Cargo tracking

SEAGULL offers superior service in transportation and integrated logistics. Employing a highly personalized model along with our international agent network and partnerships, we provide a competitive advantage to all customers, through optimized cargo and information visibility.

Our team ensures space availability with Air Carriers, fast preparation of all necessary documents, selection of cheapest routes, guaranteed delivery, tracking and tracing of cargo up to final destination. With a new App that can trace the merchandise anytime/anywhere in transit.

As one of the largest and fastest growing international cargo companies in Greece, SEAGULL aspires to be your right hand in transportation. We focus on long term customer relationships and fostering alliances with our partners. We offer customers world-class service supported with quality, value added services and incentives. For more information about our cargo services, contact us today.

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